Visit our Brick & Mortar shop in central MA!
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We've Reopened! Visit Our New Shop in Sterling!

Wow! It's been quite the year for us, already! The past month has been a whirlwind of packing, moving, painting, building new displays, and unpacking. But the shop is finally finished enough that we reopened on Friday! 

The new shop is so much more spacious and bright - there are 4 different rooms and 12 windows! - with plenty of space for social distancing. 

We've restocked most of your favorite artists and added in the work of about twenty new ones! We also created a pantry section, which includes the tea and cocktail mixers that we've been carrying and adds in maple syrup, honey and honey cream, sweet and savory preserves, gourmet popcorn, beer bread mix, and kits to make your own kombucha, candles, and lip balm. New items are arriving every day! 

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we feature individual artists and product lines and update our website with all the new things!

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